Douglas Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

>While I am certainly pro-Israel, and think the US govt. is not pro-Israel
e>nough (I feel the same about Israel's current PM/Knesset),


>FTR, I continue to believe the battle for Iraq - part of the war on terror
>- was a good idea, though I fault the execution, mainly because it did two
>things wrong. First, it didn't go far enough. I would have invaded Syria
ne>xt, while we still had the strategic offensive. That would have blocked
the> inflow of foreign fighters/terrorists into Iraq, leaving the fighting
agai>nst us to the Revolutionary Guard remnants, renamed insurgents. At the
time>, Iran's govt. was tottering and I would have given it a push, not by
invad>ing, but by supporting the pro-freedom opposition politically and
with air >strikes.

I thought more or less the same, but I wouldn't go for air strikes against
Iran.  AFAIK Iran's pro-freedom opposition is not geographically
concentrated and would not benefit particularly by air strikes.

As to Iraq, I second the sweep-up of Syria.  I was always against an
occupation of Iraq for anywhere near this length of time.  I think Iraq
could've been deal with swiftly, and Kurdistan severed from it as
unfortunately delayed payback to the Kurds for their friendship.

What's that, you say?  The Turks wouldn't like it, and they're our
longer-term friends?  I think those who'd say so are overvaluing that
relationship.  Turkey was friendly for one reason only: scared shitless of
the Russians.  Domestically and internationally, Turkey has not been too
congenial with liberalism.  They've whipsawed over the last century between
domination by, and suppression of, Islam -- an unstable situation.  Plus,
they were on what I take to be the bad guys' side on Cyprus.  So I say if
they need to be dumped for our new "date" in the region, Kurdistan, fine. 
I think they'd just pout & hang on anyway.

As to the rest of Iraq, who cares?  Install a puppet on long strings, and
look away.  It'll take them a long time to find & install another Saddam
Hussein.  Meanwhile they'd just be glad to be able to sell oil again to
someone besides the French & Germans, and get dollars.

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