--- Comment #40 from Arlene <> ---
Using version: LibreOffice 7.5.1

I think this case has two challenges as below:

1. Users have no specific liking of which font they want to use this time (Some
of them may know little about fonts)
2. Users know which font they want to use but are exhausted from finding it
from the very long dropdown list. Users' eyes are too busy.

For each challenge, here are my ideas:
-1. Users have no specific liking of which font they want to use this time
(Some of them may know little about fonts)
IDEA: Put 3-5 fonts that are familiar to most users at the top of the dropdown
box, such as Arial and the SF font family. This will help users not well-versed
in fonts choose a font that suits their needs easily.

-2. Users know which font they want to use but are exhausted from finding it
from the very long dropdown list. Users' eyes are too busy.
IDEA: Organize the same font family into one row. For example, SF Pro, SF Pro
Display, SF Pro Rounded, and SF Pro Text can all be collapsed under "SF Pro"
with an icon ">" on the right. This will help users who know which font they
want to use but are having trouble finding it in the long list. They can simply
click on the icon ">" to select the font they want. This way could reduce the
length of the long dropdown font list.

A screenshot of the Google Docs font selection is provided, which demonstrates
a similar approach to organizing font families. I would be glad to discuss if
these ideas would be practical.

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