--- Comment #48 from Arlene <> ---
(In reply to Ole Tange from comment #46)
> > Feel free to comment on this post about how you(every user of LO) would 
> > like some customization of the font selector.

> On my machine I have not actively added fonts. I have ~250 fonts installed.
Thank you Ole for providing those great ideas!

> When selecting a font I sometimes know what I am looking for. Maybe I know
> it is called something with "Gothic", but I cannot remember that it is
> really called "MS Gothic". In this case it is important for me, that I can
> find the font if I know parts of the name. In other words: Sorting will not
> help me here, because I will be looking under 'G' when I should be looking
> under 'M'. Substring search would be preferably.
Yes! I agree that Substring search would be very useful for users. It is common
that users only remember part of the name of fonts and want to use that memory
to find the font they want. I feel this feature would need to talk with develop
team to see their ideas or constraints in it.

> Other times I am looking for a special look of the font, but have no idea
> what it might be called. For this I need a way to see as many font samples
> on the screen as possible.
It is really great that now LO has this preview feature. Do you have any ideas
in improving it?

> If I write in Thai, it would be important to me that I could choose to only
> show fonts that had Thai letters. I imagine this is a problem for languages,
> too. It would be OK, if this filtering is a bit harder to do (E.g. behind an
> "Advanced" button).
I found several comments in here and other similar bugs that talk about this
feature. A filter or sorting feature can let LO be customized in some certain
way for users. That would be great. Maybe we could welcome more users to
comment here about their ideas for the filter/Sort feature of the font

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