On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 12:19 PM, bjoern
<bjoern.michael...@canonical.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 10:58:23AM -0400, Robinson Tryon wrote:
>> Assuming that those builds can be unzipped and run, if we shoved those
>> builds into a git repo we could (potentially) get a similar workflow
>> for Windows bibisecting. We'd get a much coarser granularity, but if
>> it's something that the devs think could be beneficial, it's probably
>> worth the time to set up.
>> Bjoern - Thoughts here?
> Sounds great, somebody volunteering to do that?

I don't have a windows dev/test box readily available right now, but I
don't see any immediate hurdles to creating the repo on another OS.
Tommy -- could you do some testing if I take a crack at creating a

> After the gerrit migration, I
> should be able to set that repo up directly on gerrit.libreoffice.org.


I'll see about sticking the repo on a test server for now.

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