Hi Regina,

> It seems to me, that some things are mixed up in this thread.

At first, I admittedly was confused about what the "keep ratio" tick
box did (I should have checked how it works before making the
suggestion). But I am not any more (and your mail only served as
confirmation here).

> (2) Whether dragging with the mouse keeps ratio or not depends on pressing
> Shift key or not while dragging.

The proposal is to keep the ratio of images regardless of pressing Shift if:
* they have a "original" aspect ratio (all raster images and most
imported vector images do)
* the current aspect ratio equals the "original" aspect ratio
* a corner handle is used for resizing

Shift would still work as it does today.

> One problem is, that the behavior is not consistent throughout the modules.
> Calc: Pictures are inserted in original size. Writer/Draw/Impress: Picture
> is resized to inner page area (without margins). Do you know cases, where
> the ratio is not kept in this resizing?

Usually the ratio is kept, regardless of application. If you have any
indication that this doesn't always happen, it'd be great to know.
Nevertheless, this would be a corner case only.

> Draw/Impress have a setting "Snap position - When creating or moving
> objects" which effectively toggles the meaning of the Shift key. Calc/Writer
> do not have this grid option, but Shift key alway sets dragging to "keep
> ratio" mode.

Interesting. I have no idea why it does that, but you're right (the UI
option doesn't .
This mode might have to be modified to not reverse Shift's meaning for
this proposal.

> My suggestion: In all modules the objects have a setting 'Protect-Position'
> and 'Protect-Size'. As far as I see, this belongs to 'style:protect' in ODF.
> I suggest to propose an additional value 'ratio', which is then set for all
> picture-kind and OLE objects as default.

So, basically, you prefer option 1.
Thanks for the good implementation proposal.

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