Hi there,

On Mon, 2011-11-07 at 13:55 +0100, Astron wrote:
> That's ... interesting. And I couldn't even appreciate the fact that
> it the pixels are drawn in this order because my PC is too fast.

        Heh ;-) well we draw them off screen, and then blit them on - so ...
yes, you'd never see that.

> >        Hopefully Tim will nail this.
> If my assumption is right, I might be able to provide the patch
> myself. In essence, all calls in svdhdl.cxx to GetSizePixel() are
> postfixed with a "- 1" – I simply removed those "- 1".

        Oh ! no, it is too horrible ;-) you deserve to have more than two
colors, and 1 bit alpha. We should fix this properly instead. If you can
provide an image with your preferred attach-point marker (at your
preferred size - an odd x odd pixel size) and beside it your preferred
highlighted attach-point marker; then I'll hack that into the code to
get it rendering; or perhaps we could persuade Tim & Kendy.

> (for curves), so I'll attach a new version (with the old stuff also
> in). They should go into Tango, right, and if the Ubuntu guys agree,
> maybe also Human(ity). And of course you can use them under MPL/LGPL.

        Thanks - so; I took at look at the 'humanity' and 'oxygen' versions of
these, found them ~un-touched, and clobbered them with your version - I
imagine that is what their authors would want if they knew. I left the
default_images/ mess for a future generation to cleanup ;-) I put the
images in 'industrial' since the themes are layered at build time and
mostly fall-back to industrial.

        Tim also removed the pointless old/new handles code, so there is now
only one image to touch of each: markers.png and cropmarkers.png -
hopefully that is easier to grok.

> But I'll ask for feedback on the design list, so if you push them now,
> they might have to be replaced again.

        Well - it's so much better, I don't mind :-) Tim is chasing the scaling
issue - it seems we have a 24x23 anchor in the markers.png, and a 23x23
rendered image - squashed only in the x dimension: which is fun, I hope
we'll have a fix in a day or two.

> Something that confuses me a bit is that I don't know what the
> "plushandles," as svdhdl.cxx refers to them, do...

        No idea ;-)

> Hm, random fact about the crop handles: someone had the odd idea that
> they should share their borders, so that 8px of width and 3px of the
> height could be saved, this makes theming them a bit harder than it
> should. I'll have a closer look at svdhdl.cxx to see if I can fix this
> myself.

        Oh - right :-) that should be quite an easy easy hack ;-) changing some
pixel values for one of those bitmap crops (I hope).

        And finally ... ;-) It'd be great if you could add a pretty picture of
your nice work at:


        So it makes it into the release notes, crediting yourself & Tim at
least :-)

        Thanks again !


michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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