Michael Meeks wrote:
> > There are four modes: small, large, small/3D, large/3D. Writer's
> > scanner tool uses small square black handles, but I am not sure if
> > these are graphics.
> > Additionally, in Draw/Impress, there are at least another four handles
> > (corner, side vertical, side horizontal, center) for rotating and a
> > further two (node, "direction of node") for manipulating vector lines,
> > all are also available in four modes (small, small/3D, large,
> > large/3D).
>       So - Thorsten - is there really any good reason for all these handle
> modes ?
At some point in time, one platform wanted larger handles, while the
other kept smaller ones. The rest, as they say, is history.

> > It would be great if all of the four modes could be unified (with
> > handles nominally the same size as the current large handles [8*8])
> > with all of the related options removed.
>       I'd -love- to add an easy hack for that, it shouldn't be that hard. I
> just wonder if there is indeed any legitimate reason at all for all that
> complexity.
Much of that could go, if you ask me. Whether it makes sense to have
different handles for Draw, Impress & Writer is best left to UX
advise, I'd say.

> If not, I'll knock together an easy hack with code pointers for this.
Go for it! :)


-- Thorsten

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