Hi Julien,

On Thursday, 2011-08-04 23:10:08 +0200, Julien Nabet wrote:

>  /libs-gui/i18npool/source/calendar/
> calendar_gregorian.cxx     62 va_start(ap, pat);
> 59 static void debug_cal_msg(const char *pat, ...)
>      60 {
>      61     va_list ap;
>      62     va_start(ap, pat);
>      63     vfprintf(stderr, pat, ap);
>      64 }
> I read that vfprintf didn't call automatically va_end
> (http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdio/vfprintf/)
> so I would add a va_end there

Yes please.

> /libs-core/sfx2/source/menu/
> mnumgr.cxx     444 va_start(pArgs, pArg1);
> 439 sal_uInt16 SfxPopupMenuManager::Execute( const Point& rPoint,
> Window* pWindow, const SfxPoolItem *pArg1, ... )
>     440 {
>     441     DBG_MEMTEST();
>     442
>     443     va_list pArgs;
>     444     va_start(pArgs, pArg1);
>     445
>     446     return (Execute( rPoint, pWindow, pArgs, pArg1 ));
>     447 }
> which seems to call in the same file  :
>    422 sal_uInt16 SfxPopupMenuManager::Execute( const Point& rPoint,
> Window* pWindow, va_list pArgs, const SfxPoolItem *pArg1 )
>     423 {
>     424     DBG_MEMTEST();
>     425
>     426     PopupMenu* pPopMenu = ( (PopupMenu*)GetMenu()->GetSVMenu() );
>     427     pPopMenu->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SfxPopupMenuManager,
> SelectHdl ) );
>     428     sal_uInt16 nId = pPopMenu->Execute( pWindow, rPoint );
>     429     pPopMenu->SetSelectHdl( Link() );
>     430
>     431     if ( nId )
>     432         GetBindings().GetDispatcher()->_Execute( nId,
> SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD, pArgs, pArg1 );
>     433
>     434     return nId;
>     435 }
> which seems to call in the file
> /libs-core/sfx2/source/control/dispatch.cxx :
> const SfxPoolItem* SfxDispatcher::_Execute
>    1381 (
>    1382     sal_uInt16          nSlot,     // the Id of the
> executing function
>    1383     SfxCallMode         eCall,     // SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCRHON,
> ..._ASYNCHRON or
>    1384                                    //..._SLOT
>    1385     va_list             pVarArgs,  // Parameter list from
> the 2nd parameter
>    1386     const SfxPoolItem*  pArg1      // First parameter
>    1387 )
>    1388
>    1389 /*  [Description]
>    1390
>    1391     Method to excecute a <SfxSlot>s over the Slot-Id.
>    1392
>    1393     [Return value]
>    1394
>    1395     const SfxPoolItem*      Pointer to the SfxPoolItem valid
> to the next run
>    1396                             though the Message-Loop, which
> contains the return
>    1397                             value.
>    1398
>    1399                             Or a NULL-Pointer, when the
> function was not
>    1400                             executed (for example canceled
> by the user).
>    1401 */
>    1402
>    1403 {
>    1404     if ( IsLocked(nSlot) )
>    1405         return 0;
>    1406
>    1407     SfxShell *pShell = 0;
>    1408     const SfxSlot *pSlot = 0;
>    1409     if ( GetShellAndSlot_Impl( nSlot, &pShell, &pSlot, sal_False,
>    1410
>    1411     {
>    1412        SfxAllItemSet aSet( pShell->GetPool() );
>    1413
>    1414        for ( const SfxPoolItem *pArg = pArg1;
>    1415              pArg;
>    1416              pArg = va_arg( pVarArgs, const SfxPoolItem* ) )
>    1417            MappedPut_Impl( aSet, *pArg );
>    1418
>    1419        SfxRequest aReq( nSlot, eCall, aSet );
>    1420        _Execute( *pShell, *pSlot, aReq, eCall );
>    1421        return aReq.GetReturnValue();
>    1422     }
>    1423     return 0;
>    1424 }
> so I would add a va_end in SfxPopupMenuManager::Execute

The one that has va_start, yes.

> 3)
> there are some cases (above all in win32 parts that I can't compile
> to check patch) like this one :
> /components/setup_native/source/win32/customactions/reg64/
> reg64.cxx     77 va_start( args, pFormat );
> inline void OutputDebugStringFormat( const wchar_t* pFormat, ... )
>      73 {
>      74     wchar_t    buffer[1024];
>      75     va_list args;
>      76
>      77     va_start( args, pFormat );
>      78     StringCchVPrintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), pFormat, args );
>      79     OutputDebugString( buffer );
>      80 }
> I found nothing which tells if StringCchVPrintf calls automatically
> va_end or not.
> Since this function seems derived from Vprintf, I would add a va_end too.

I think so, though I don't know those Windows functions. I'd assume that
any function that takes a va_list does not call va_end itself.
Except our own code ... :-/


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