On 03/21/2012 08:40 AM, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
I think a large part of our hackers, certainly of new ones, might have
more experience of Java than C++. They might think that C++ is more
like Java, and that the throw clauses are crucial to be exactly right
(for some value of "right"), and then waste time. (Or am I completely

Somewhat confused, I'd say. At least if we would utilize standards-compliant compiler environments, exception specifications need to be exactly right, same as in Java. (Though without Java's feature of having this statically checked by the compiler.)

And then there are the hackers (like me) who don't bother to wonder
about it, and pay no attention to whether some function claims to
potentially throw something or not, and just copy boilerplate as they
think necessary when applicable.

This attitude scares me, btw.

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