Whether Maaten misremembered, there was a net spit, or
problem with your search, he did reach out to the dev list: 
> I'm very much against re-hooking a box 
A box that ran for years without any issues. When Maartin informed
us that he lost his vm140 ssh-key in his very first email weeks ago, you said 
all you could do is reboot it from the hypervisor. Why that was fix acceptable 
at the time?  How is having a vm with a lost ssh key preferable to resetting 

I was told to file a Redmond ticket, where again, no one from infra mentioned 
this, only the issue with credentials.   
It’s strange that all these emails and 2 weeks later, this
new excuse comes out of nowhere. We are volunteers. Poor communication and 
artificial roadblocks only discourages outside help.  
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