
On Sat, Aug 04, 2012 at 02:16:42PM -0500, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
> ok so now windows fail with
> C:/lo/core/solenv/gbuild/Package.mk:44: *** gb_Deliver_deliver: file
> does not exist in solver, and cannot be delivered:
> C:/lo/core/solver/wntmsci12.pro/bin/cliuno.snk.  Stop.
> make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
> the following seens to fix that:
> diff --git a/cli_ure/Package_config.mk b/cli_ure/Package_config.mk
> index 820f25e..175fd33 100644
> --- a/cli_ure/Package_config.mk
> +++ b/cli_ure/Package_config.mk
> @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
>  $(eval $(call gb_Package_Package,cli_ure_cliuno,$(SRCDIR)/cli_ure/source))
> -$(eval $(call gb_Package_add_files,bin,\
> +$(eval $(call gb_Package_add_files,cli_ure_cliuno,bin,\
>         climaker/climaker.exe.config \
>         cliuno.snk \
>  ))

This is embarassing...

> S=C:/lo/core && O=$S/solver/wntmsci12.pro &&
> W=$S/workdir/wntmsci12.pro &&  csc -noconfig -warnaserror+ -o
> -target:library -out:$W/CliLibraryTarget/cli_basetypes.dll
> -reference:System.dll   $S/cli_ure/source/basetypes/uno/Any.cs
> $S/cli_ure/source/basetypes/uno/BoundAttribute.cs
> $S/cli_ure/source/basetypes/uno/ExceptionAttribute.cs
> $S/cli_ure/source/basetypes/uno/OnewayAttribute.cs
> $S/cli_ure/source/basetypes/uno/ParameterizedTypeAttribute.cs
> $S/cli_ure/source/basetypes/uno/PolymorphicType.cs
> $S/cli_ure/source/basetypes/uno/TypeArgumentsAttribute.cs
> $S/cli_ure/source/basetypes/uno/TypeParametersAttribute.cs
> $W/CustomTarget/cli_ure/source/basetypes/assembly.cs
> Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2008 Compiler version 3.5.30729.5420
> for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 3.5
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
> error CS1504: Source file 'c:\lo\core\cli_ure\Any.cs' could not be
> opened ('The system cannot find the file specified. ')
> ...
> make: *** 
> [C:/lo/core/workdir/wntmsci12.pro/CliLibraryTarget/cli_basetypes.dll]
> Error 1
> which is stumping me....  no idea where that MS stuff get the argument
> converted from what the command line says... i.e how
> /source/basetypes/uno get stripped (provided I know nothing of MSJava,
> nor do I care to learn, really)

That makes two of us, unfortunately... The command works with mcs
(mono's C# compiler), after changing -o to -optimize (-o is obsolete
synonym to -out in mcs).

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