On 01/28/2013 04:04 PM, Rai, Neeraj wrote:
I had tried interprocess communication before and found it to be slow (12 sec 
vs 14ms).
Somewhere in the docs, there was a mention that it has latency of 2ms.
However, if you can point me to samples or provide other advise that make it as 
fast as osl::socket, I'd be happy to switch back to it.

"Generic" UNO IPC with all its bells and whistles easily introduces more overhead than any solution tailored to one specific use-case, but "12 sec vs 14ms" surely sounds broken. Hard to tell what's gone wrong there from a high-level perspective.

Q2.  Instead of using osl::AcceptorSocket and osl::ConnectorSocket,
         I tried to use
#include <sys/socket.h>
int socket = (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
bind(socket, addr, addrlen);
listen (socket, 5);
         This would allow me use scalable epoll but I had trouble compiling it.

There should be no general reason this should not work. (It would mean the code is platform-specific, of course.)

Q3.     I would like to understand more about how these threads interact with 
         Is there an extra thread created for me per connection ?
           write would be called in my user thread. Is the data queued for 
writer thread ?
           read is called in my user thread. Is it listening on some UNO queue 
to which the dedicated reader thread queues data ?
         Or did you mean that I should create a dedicated thread per connection 
because read/write are blocking calls ?

Reading/writing are blocking operations at the OSL socket level.

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