I have one GREAT IDEA:
Trademark enforcement !

Once a good open-source Skype-like project is born, with central
registry, and firewall bypass, it *should* use it's own trademark that
defines that forks must re-name themselves.
Call this project "The Unique".

I.e. if a forker wants to change the code to point at a different
central repository, he should be forced to change project name as
well. (like FireFox -> Debian's IceWeasel trademark fork, due to
inability to backport security patches to old versions of

So all users whom get the original "The Unique" project, they all are
guaranteed to use central registry, and this guarantee can be enforced
by project trademark, rather than code licensing.

In a similar way, Red Hat is protecting their brand, and CentOS cannot
use Red Hat's trademark, but can use it's code.
-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"

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