On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:16 AM, Michał 'rysiek' Woźniak

> Dnia poniedziałek, 14 maja 2012 o 12:08:16 Nikos Roussos napisał(a):
> > I totally disagree with the central registry approach. Federation
> > is always better for preserving freedom.
> Federation/decentralisation doesn't have to mean no registry. Look at
> Diaspora - there are multiple pods, but I can search and connect to
> users from any pod that is accessible.
> That is also a sort-of, kind-of central registry. Well, maybe not
> "central", but "federated" - however, from the users' point of view,
> it's simple to use and integrated with whatever pod they are using.

Yes, this is an important point, and a good reply to Nikos. (I agree with
both of your sentiments.)

> We need something like this for Free Somftware based services, as
> currently we are all taking a beating due to network effect (look at
> Twitter, Facebook, Skype, Dropbox - it's all network effect at work).
> And we cannot tackle network effect if we do not build a vast network
> of users.

Can you describe ways in which we might do this in more detail?
Perhaps we can figure out a good solution here and then do it!
Be concrete, perhaps using my "skype replacement" problem as a motivating
Describe the world where I find out Skype is nonfree and then [go where]
([why there?]) and [do what] to get a free replacement, that anyone can
easily do.

> > One word: email.
> I also love this example and I use it whenever I can.
> However, thing is: when e-mail was just picking up steam, it was de
> facto the only service to connect users. Hence everybody happily set-
> up their accounts and actually used it.
> Currently the users cannot be bothered with Yet Another Protocol or
> Social Network, because they already use a multitude of those.
> That is one of the reasons why Diaspora, StatusNet, XMPP, SIP hasn't
> picked up users as fast as we would like them to. And they won't as
> long as using them is more cumbersome than proprietary, centralised
> networks/protocols.
> I think we have the technology already; we need to focus on tackling
> the network effect and on heavily usability.

Do we have the manpower to solve these problems?
If so, where is it?

> --
> Pozdrawiam
> Michał "rysiek" Woźniak
> Fundacja Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania

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