El 2021-03-23 00:50, Danny Spitzberg escribió:
> RMS announced he is back on the FSF board
>    [1]https://twitter.com/nixcraft/status/1373905399707955202 but his name
>    is not (yet?) on the FSF website
>    [2]https://www.fsf.org/about/staff-and-board/ ?
> References
>    1. https://twitter.com/nixcraft/status/1373905399707955202
>    2. https://www.fsf.org/about/staff-and-board/


"Some of you might be happy at this and some of you might be
disappointed. Who knows!  In any case, that's how it is."

He is great.

Most comments are in favour.  It is good publicity for FSF.  We must
thank those people for giving us a place for Richard to be in the front
page of media.  It will give us a chance to present our opinion and
promote freedom.  Those who oppose freedom will probably blame FSF for
the war in Iraq because the same dollars are printed financing both.

Happy hacking! 

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