* Adrienne G. Thompson <adriennegayethomp...@gmail.com> [2021-03-26 00:43]:
>    I was in the process of drafting an email to [2]i...@fsf.org when I
>    received your message. I'll be sending it today, and wish to encourage
>    others to email messages of support too - asap!
>    Also, please don't forget that Alexandre Oliva has been axed on account
>    of canvassing support for RMS' reinstatement. RMS will need support
>    from his allies on the Board. Let's address that too.

We shall learn out of those events and stop axing or terminating
people for reasons of their private opinions. 

One has to look upon people's merits and their support of social

I have learned this in family. I have supported my family members for
how they behave towards family, not for what they think and
talk. Deeds matters.

In relation to thinking, speech, if I am not directly participating in
the conversation I may not even know what exactly other person
meant. It is very easy to take few words out of the context especially
if I am inclined to do so. Being fair and just in communication is a
skill or better blessing.

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