* gregor <podrzaj.gre...@gmail.com> [2021-03-27 09:29]:
>    RMS is a genius and we, ordinary people can not aspire to totally
>    comprehend the finished thoughts he expresses. Maybe the wittiness of
>    his "sexist" jokes are a double parabole which reveals the corrupt side
>    of our society and does it so in a "monty python-esque" way. But on us
>    -  me, Debs, Aarons, Dannys and the rest (of "god damned
>    easy-triggered, politically correct snowflakes"), the allegory is
>    lost.

In my opinion this is very political because there is no real accuser,
there is just public character assassination. As a political
harassment campaign it does not belong on this mailing list, be it
RMS, RMS opposition, pro or contr, whoever.

It may be Monty Python-esque and that there were many deeper meanings,
and there are backgrounds and deeper meanings on both sides related to
the harassment campaign against RMS - but all these do not really
belong here.

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