hI all.

   firstly appologies for adding to this tempest in a cup of tea. As just
   recently stated by mr. Thomas Lord: "This list was not created for for
   endless discussion of RMS' or anyone else's alleged virtues or vices."

   secondly, thank you mr. Ali Reza Hayati for the post you've send the
   link of. let me  quote a bit of it:
   "If we don’t stand by our principals, which are based on justice, we’ll
   lose everything we have ever fought for. I highly oppose those who ask
   RMS and/or FSF board to resign."

   thirdly, i'd like to share my view on the matter.

   RMS is a genius and we, ordinary people can not aspire to totally
   comprehend the finished thoughts he expresses. Maybe the wittiness of
   his "sexist" jokes are a double parabole which reveals the corrupt side
   of our society and does it so in a "monty python-esque" way. But on us
   -  me, Debs, Aarons, Dannys and the rest (of "god damned
   easy-triggered, politically correct snowflakes"), the allegory is lost.

   Also, for us less principled ones, when we witness the outrage RMS can
   display over some trivia, it seems he is a deranged person. But it may
   just as well be, that we are the deranged ones, since we are not able
   to distinctively recognize injustice and lies (so we stay happily
   non-principal. it reminds me of a joke mr. Marx said once: i have this
   principle, if you don't like it, well, i have others ... was groucho
   marx ;)).

   And also; it all reminds me of a parallel universe in which the
   apostles voted jesus out, because he was so unkind to the money
   changers in the temple, he was rude, he didn't think of their families
   and was obnoxious.


   truth shall prevail. :)


   On 25. 03. 21 18:14, Ali Reza Hayati wrote:

     I wrote this blog post:
     Please send your support of RMS to [2]i...@fsf.org. This would be
     much appreciated.

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   1. https://alirezahayati.com/2021/03/25/fight-against-idiocy-support-rms/
   2. mailto:i...@fsf.org
   3. mailto:libreplanet-discuss@libreplanet.org
   4. https://lists.libreplanet.org/mailman/listinfo/libreplanet-discuss
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