On 06/05/2021 08:34, Jean Louis wrote:
"text spreadsheet" calculator using awk, tsort and bc/calc that allows
me to mark up the calculations on the forms and then compute the
dependencies, generate calculations and generate the results as an
output text file.

We are soooo late with speech recognition. Calculations at least
should be handled by pure speech. I remember some 25 years ago
watching speech recognition on Windows, it worked well, after some

We need speech recognition scripting. Then it becomes easy to provide
a lot of accessible programs.

Top ten here:

I really need one scriptable speech recognition, that I can run
function, invoke recognition and get the result with certainty. If I
have such function I can include it in the software I am developing now.

RCD Notes for Emacs

One problem is that I think there are now lots of patents on speech recognition. Does this make using speech recognition harder to implement, we have text to speech too, could that be implemented at the UI level, even in menus or dialogue boxes.



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