* Paul Sutton <paulsut...@disroot.org> [2021-05-06 10:51]:
> One problem is that I think there are now lots of patents on speech
> recognition. Does this make using speech recognition harder to implement,
> we have text to speech too, could that be implemented at the UI level, even
> in menus or dialogue boxes.

The way to go is not to put attention on patents, just as written in
the Free System Distribution Guidelines
where it says:

| Patents
| It is effectively impossible for free software developers and
| distributors to know whether or not a given piece of software
| infringes any patents: there are too many of them, they vary from
| country to country, they're often worded so as to make it hard to tell
| what they do or don't cover, and it isn't easy to tell which ones are
| valid. Therefore, we don't generally ask free system distributions to
| exclude software because of possible threats from patents. On the
| other hand, we also don't object if a distributor chooses to omit some
| software in order to avoid patent risk.

Consider that if ANY patent is registered, it most probably is not
registered in all countries. Distributions may distribute from various 


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