* Arthur Torrey <arthur_tor...@comcast.net> [2021-10-26 06:51]:
> I also would point out that I AVOID the "all free" distros because I
> pick up my hardware used / salvaged and it is FAR more important to
> me that it WORKS than that I avoid binary blobs and other non-free
> stuff of that sort (I do try to minimize it, but I do what it takes
> to make my hardware work....)

I understand that as your perosnal decision. Though we have this
LibrePlanet mailing list to promote fully free software. Not to
promote proprietary software.

Since years I use fully free software and all my personally wanted
devices work, I could manage to get WiFi working, I connecte to mobile
phones, my LAN works, my graphics works. Of course my case is special
case, as I don't play games and don't use special graphics. I do use
all kinds of computers, including Fujitsu, Lenovo Thinkpad, Toshiba,
and others. Yet my case is not power user case.

We promote using full free distributions:

> IMHO given that a user starting on the Freedom Ladder probably has
> hardware that was purchased for a non-free OS, pointing them at an
> all-free distro is setting them up for a bad experience...

Quite contrary, giving proprietary software to user without his
knowledge is subjugating user to control of software makers, that has
been shown over and over again to be bad experience.

I would not call it "Freedom Ladder", you give me impression it is
something difficult, while I don't share that viewpoint.


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