* jahoti <jah...@envs.net> [2021-10-28 05:57]:
> > I would not call it "Freedom Ladder", you give me impression it is
> > something difficult, while I don't share that viewpoint.
> True as that may be, it is important to consider that switching to a
> new OS (even part-time) is a relatively large step, especially for
> those who don't do so regularly. If the experience does not begin
> well, there is a real risk people will give up and be less willing
> to try again in future.
> That's not to suggest recommending non-free distros, just that great
> care be taken to ensure people will not install the free ones only
> to be frustrated by them.

Sounds like hypothetical statement, help me understand it better.

Is that maybe your personal experience?

Or did you convert computer for other people, how many computers did
you convert to GNU/Linux?

How many friends did you convert?

I am doing the conversion since 1999. All of my friends got their
computers converted. None of them gave up for reason that they were
very much interested, in fact, they asked many questions, they were
learning with interest and we had great time.

I had maybe 10 computers in computer club and invited people to
learn. Some of them asked me to come to their homes to install the
system. None of those who ever entered computer club had any problems,
they wanted to learn.

Then I was doing seminar on GNU/Linux in Stuttgart, Germany, that was
for 2 times. I did not experience frustration or less
willingness. Quite contrary, people even paid quite a good money just
to learn more about it. I have found a lot of willingness.

That may be my luck, I tell you how it is.

Staff members now don't complain and they use GNU/Linux. For them is
totally irrelevant what system is there, most probably they don't know

Majority of people don't install systems, you get the computer in the
shop with the system on it.

GNU/Linux is on many computers in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Germany,
Austria, so customer comes into shop and can choose the computer with
OS installed already. In East Africa, they will install any OS by wish
of the customer, as anyway all the software is gratis here, as nobody
cares of copyrights.

In general, people who will find GNU/Linux may have fundamental reason
to use it, they may find the number of available software very
comfortable and go for it, they may find the liberation from
proprietary updates the main reason. Some will value the privacy that
GNU/Linux offers. There is often some fundamental reason WHY they wish
to use it. This reason drives users and with interest they learn

In office and house there are children using GNU/Linux system all
time. There is engineer who uses Emacs to write reports, there is
person who read 3 books in her life, uses GNUCash to write accounting
reports, there are few other people who use the system all the time
last 3 years without problem.

It is my experience, and I am continuing with it.


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