I started working on a similar distro picker concept before I started at the FSF, but I never finished it.

My proof of concept is on my personal github: https://github.com/TechnologyClassroom/distro-picker

It depends on a choose your own adventure (CYOA) style free software JS script based on JQuery.

Michael McMahon | Web Developer, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: 4337 2794 C8AD D5CA 8FCF  FA6C D037 59DA B600 E3C0
https://fsf.org | https://gnu.org

On 10/28/21 4:18 AM, Jean Louis wrote:
* jahoti <jah...@envs.net> [2021-10-28 09:36]:
Regarding Wi-Fi, I have used USB dongles that simply work with free
operating systems. These I have used for years. Some Wi-Fi devices in
computers work without problems anyway.

Though these last years, I don't use Wi-Fi directly, I connect to
mobile phone, USB tethering and mobile phone may connect to Wi-Fi.

Now I am connected to Mi-Fi by USB tethering and use GNU/Linux
notebook to route Internet to LAN and other computers.
Thank you! I completely forgot USB tethering existed- it sounds like a much
more practical technique than I had thought it was, which is good.
Ways to connect to Internet:

- USB tethering;

- Wi-Fi, it can work or without USB Wi-Fi dongle;

- wired LAN network to router connecting to Internet;

- direct connection with wire from computer without Internet to
   computer with Internet;

- ISDN dial-up and normal telephone dial up;

- cable Internet;

- Bluetooth tethering;

This is computer I am working on right now, but I have many various others.

HW probe of Lenovo ThinkPad T410 2516DC... #387ee22bc4

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