On Fri, 2022-01-07 at 10:53 +0100, Ismael Luceno wrote:
> People who value free software would publish their games as free
> software... Why don't we have so many games then?

We do have a lot of games. Obviously not as many as commercial games.
They tend to steer towards procedural or acade games rather than
complex story games. High quality graphics are less common but not

Lists 519 linux games at the moment. Some may not be completely free
but a good chunk of them probably are. It has a backlog of games to add
as well.

> Most people developing games are motivated by the prospects of:
> either
> just being able to make a living as game developers, or worse, of
> making more money as game developers than in their current day job.

Most people developing games would love to make a living as game
developers. However I disagree that most people developing games are
motivated by it. We are usually motivated by a game we want to make. We
might think it could make money but usually it is the desire for the
game first.

People join National Novel Writing Month for the same reason. They have
an idea for a novel and want to write it. Some will pursue publishing
it. Some will self publish perhaps even knowing it won't be a giant
seller. Some will just give it away.

Dennis Payne

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