> If you can come up with a good definition of "free hardware", I might join in using it. -- RMS

I don't see too many differences in comparison to free software so i would use:

The Free Hardware is hardware that respects four essential freedoms:
- Freedom 0: The freedom the use the hardware for any purpose
- Freedom 1: The freedom to study how the hardware works and change it to make it do what you wish (access to all relevant files used to build the hardware such as, but not limited to schematics, gerber files, verilog, bios source code, bootloader source code and firmware source code is precondition for this) - Freedom 2: The freedom to redistribute and make copies so that you can help your neighbour. - Freedom 3: The freedom to improve the hardware, release your improvements (and modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

> I now understand that when you speak of "the schematics" of a computer, you mean diagrams of _some_ of the circuits in it: the ones at board level.  If I understand you right, this does not include the circuits inside the chips; they are not published. -- RMS

I wouldn't consider it being a Fully Free Hardware if the relevant files for the chips such as verilog are not included with the design, but i would argue that if the developer provides just the schematics and gerber files that it's already a major help for the Free Hardware in general as it allows us to skip on research and improve the design.

> This is why I decided to formulate my ideas in terms of "free hardware designs".  The design of the board in the PowerProgressCommunity notebook is published, it seems; depending on the license it carries, it may be free.  If so, we can say that that design is a free hardware design.  Meanwhile, the design of the processor chip in that product is not free.

The PowerProgressCommunity notebook is using POWER9 CPU which is using apache and creative commons license [https://github.com/openpower-cores][https://github.com/antonblanchard/microwatt][https://github.com/open-power] so anyone can study how it works and fabricate the CPU.

> But that future is distant.  It would be self-defeating to reject all computers with anything made from a nonfree hardware design.  We'd have to reject all computers.  What good would that be? -- RMS > That is a very harsh accusation.  I don't believe it -- the FSF does not do sabotage. I hope this is some sort of misunderstanding. -- RMS

We already have hardware freedom in lot of areas:
- PowerProgressCommunity ("PPC") and people with less resources such as SLIMBOOK.
- Relativty https://github.com/relativty/Relativty
- Open Smartwatch https://github.com/Open-Smartwatch
- Majority of all 3D printers, CNC machines
- 3D pen https://github.com/3dsimo/3dsimo_kit
- Firearms, rocket launchers and various bombs https://defcad.com/
- Aircrafts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MakerPlane
- Drones https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=drone&dwh=615bb68759e69c6&type=things&sort=relevant
- Glucometers https://github.com/nebulabio/gluco
- Robotic arms https://hackaday.io/project/12989-thor
- and all of the things on thingiverse https://www.thingiverse.com/ ranging from cool props (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:644933), planters (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:903411), fashion items (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1819242), musical instruments (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2755765)

And we with exception of openmoko (R.I.P.) and with the greatest respect we would have free hardware smartphones if you and FSF didn't enable Purism and PINE64 to profit off of your endorsements, advertise themselves as "Free and Open-Source" on proprietary hardware and get away with lieing about releasing the hardware files (alleged purism, https://git.dotya.ml/kreyren/kreyren/issues/13) or maintain a proprietary model on GPLv3-compatible CPU like raptorcs is doing with Talos II next to the RYF certification.

... and possibly Free Hardware tablets as companies such as jingpad (https://en.jingos.com) can afford having a proprietary model with the support of "free software influencers" who praise it for being free just because it uses proprietary fork of linux [https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=P-14-qlKyHA] [https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=LIKfXbwzfXE] which i doubt would be possible if FSF adapted hardware freedom.

So from my point of view FSF is an authority on user freedom and these actions sabotage the free hardware.

> A gerber file alone is not adequate as source code for a circuit; it is more like compiled code. -- RMS

In terms of PCB design the gerber files are the source code and the fabricated PCBs are comparable to compiled code, i don't find it sane to compare gerber files to anything beyond PCB design as it's like saying "Makefile is like compiled code" to me.

Goting further with the comparisons:
- Verilog files are the source code for manufacturing the CPUs
- Schematics are eqvivalent to software specification (doing research and writting down a documentation to know how to write the software and why) - Built-in firmware on chips are comparable to packaged software -> As long as you have the source code and access to downstream packaging then you can change it.

> But many people say "free hardware" and they mean something very different, a much less stringent criterion.  They mean "comes with the specs needed to write free software for it".  I don't think that is enough to merit the term "free hardware".  What can we call it?

Personally I consider using the term "free hardware" for hardware which doesn't provide the highlighted files as harmful sabotage as it makes the development of free hardware designs significantly more complicated namely:

Heavy promotion of Purism Librem 14 (proprietary hardware shipped with spyware) using ethical giving guides, numerous endorsements, etc.. when PPC is struggling to crowdsource resources for actual free hardware notebook with no endorsement by FSF and FSF staffers only laughing and mocking the project when i suggested it to be endorsed. -> Longer development of PPC while sabotaging the market to use librem 14 and alike.


So please if you are serious about 'we need to develop free designs and should use them when feasible " [https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-hardware-designs.html] then consider holding purism accountable to releasing the promised hardware files (or be transparent about when they will cover the development cost) and consider taking steps to mitigate the current negative impact that FSF has on hardware freedom such as adjusting the GPL to also cover hardware files to mitigate the highlighted problem with RepRap licensing that enables anyone to take free hardware designs and profit off of them as proprietary such as the highlighted Homer3D 3D printer case.

On 1/26/22 04:37, Richard Stallman wrote:
If you can come up with a good definition of "free hardware",
I might join in using it.

Jacob Hrbek

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