* Yasuaki Kudo <y...@yasuaki.com> [2022-05-16 15:49]:
> Hi Andrew!
> > Can you elaborate on what technical knowhow is related to nonfree
> > software in Guix?
> > 
> Oh this is quite simple - 
> When someone installs a Guix OS, there is a high chance that vital components 
> of the computer won't work (unless "work" includes severely hampered 
> performance)
> And the chances are, all one needs to do to obtain the hardware
> manufacture's native performance is do is to use the regular Linux
> kernel package, with none the "de-blobbing" of LinuxLibre.  (Aside
> from asking the manufacturer to provide the Free Software-based
> compilation mechanism for the required BLOB, something that may take
> many years, or forever)

The mainstream Linux kernel is non-free software. Recommendation of
non-free software on Libreplanet mailing list is not wanted. We are
here with reason to find solutions so that people may use fully free

Me as free software user often decide to purchase such hardware for
which free software exists. I may not use the built-in  wireless
device on a notebook computer, I could replace it or use the USB

> To use the regular Linux, all that's needed is to tweak the
> configuration of the Guix system.   When people new to the system
> post questions along this line, on the Guix Help mailing list, the
> typical response is either via a direct personal email or some
> suggestions, short of the direct answer.

You call it "regular" Linux like Linux-libre would not be "regular"
kernel. That is not correct IMHO, as this mailing list and Libreplanet
is all about free software, and not non-free software. Mainstream
Linux kernel is non-free software and thus cannot be for us "regular"
one, as it does not provide freedom.

> When, out of frustration, one directly answers, he is greeted with
> notices around this being a GNU mailing list and such matters are
> not to be discussed.

Which is exactly right. In GNU project, neither in FSF, neither in
Libreplanet, we do not drive people to proprietary software.

We are here to discuss about freedom for users. We do not discuss how
to subjugate users, neither encourage that.

> * Guix OS technically runs on Linux (not just LibreLinux).
> * However, it is not "advertised" (the verb seemingly preferred by
> * the community) and even the discussion thereof is shunned.

While your expression is true, it does not give enough information to
make it understandable.

Discussion of "Linux" as kernel is not shunned. What is shunned is
discussion of driving users to proprietary software. GNU Guix is free
software project. It is not a proprietary software project. Those
users are creating a system that is free software.

When you enter into any community first you should learn what is that
community about. They are talking about subject A and not about
subject B. There are different communities about subject B.

That community does not want to talk about B is because of their
fundamental agreemenet -- it is all about free software and not
proprietary software.

You seem to have an opinion that community should talk about
proprietary software even if it is exclusively not about proprietary
software. Why do you have that urge to enforce a subject which is
clearly not the goal of the community?


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