On 22/05/17 09:51AM, Jean Louis replies to Yasuki Kudo:
> You seem to have an opinion that community should talk about
> proprietary software even if it is exclusively not about proprietary
> software. Why do you have that urge to enforce a subject which is
> clearly not the goal of the community?

I believe that they're asking whether it is approprieate to support
users who, for whatever the reason is as it might be their job or their
hardware, cannot use fully free software.  My thoughts are that
yes indeed sometimes it is impossible to transition these users directly
to fully free software (which is a wanted ultimate outcome) and in these
cases minimal required nonfree software may be plausible, but these
discussions are *not* for the GNU Guix project because it isn't a core
part of its mission (a nice *free* operating system with a beautiful
functional package manager), they're for those communities where people
are actively helping the transition (for people to use less proprietary
software and eventually fully free software).

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