Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 16:23:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Repair my Lib50

> I need help. My Lib50 died. I have just received another with a broken 
> screen. Should I transfer the motherboard, et al, from the Lib with the 
> broken screen or should I transfer the screen from the machine with bad 
> motherboard? Any tips appreciated.

  Take a look at the parts list and exploded view on my site and see which is
more difficult for you.  It seems to be just about the same either way, and
you'll need to strip apart to swap one or the other.  Just take it slow, don't
mess up the good LCD, and it'll probably take a good 3-4 hours minimum if
you've never done it before.

  I'd swap MBs because I wouldn't want to mess with the fragile LCD unless I

  d =)

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