Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 12:06:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jim Sheafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: adorable Libretto Information CD-ROM - status update

I'm definately in. 

I'm willing to pay for it (David is spending his time after all).

I'm willing to download it (for free or for a fee).

I'm willing to host it (just have to ask my provider real nice - in the
US, east coast).

I'm willing to duplicate it for others (with David's permission).

Looking forward to it, David.

On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Brad Waddell wrote:

brad >Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 03:07:53 -0700
brad >From: Brad Waddell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
brad >Subject: Re: adorable Libretto Information CD-ROM - status update
brad >
brad >I no money is to be made from this thing, why not just let me post it on 
brad >the internet. then those of us with speedy internet (or others willing to 
brad >wait all night) can download it and burn a CD for free? I'd be happy to 
brad >keep it online on my web server site for 1 month or so, just let me know. 
brad >thanks. brad
brad >
brad >>>Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 22:53:06 -0700 (PDT)
brad >>>From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
brad >>>Subject: adorable Libretto Information CD-ROM - status update
brad >>>
brad >>>   At this time, I've got about 525MB of raw information in my Libretto CD
brad >>>directory, and when I've finished scanning in a couple inches more of 
brad >>>clippings
brad >>>and documents, I'll hopefully have a very raw Libretto Information CD-ROM
brad >>>available to offer everyone by or before the year end.  (ie. no in-depth
brad >>>directories, explinations, translation, or whatever - just the raw 
brad >>>documents on
brad >>>this first version)
brad >>>
brad >>>   Note that this CD is not produced for profit, is for personal use 
brad >>> only, and
brad >>>all rights remain with you.  No, you nor I will be making any money from 
brad >>>this.
brad >>>I'm just giving people a convenient way to get at this information rather 
brad >>>than
brad >>>sit and download for years and years (like I did ;), and offering you a 
brad >>>way to
brad >>>get it out to Libretto enthusiasts wanting more information on their babies.
brad >>>
brad >>>   At this time, I'm considering a flat $10-20 charge for each CD to 
brad >>> cover just
brad >>>the reproduction, mailing, and handling charges involved in duping this 
brad >>>CD for
brad >>>those that want it (okay, maybe a few extra bucks to pay for the candy bars
brad >>>I've been munching, too).  Hopefully, the time I've spend on this is 
brad >>>worth this
brad >>>amount.
brad >
brad >--
brad >Brad Waddell *** FLEXquarters *** voice-mail/fax: 602-532-7019
brad >Postal: FLEXquarters 581 W 4th St. #99 Benson AZ 85602 USA
brad >Web and ODBC Solutions for DataFlex ***
brad >
brad >
brad >
brad >
brad >
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Jim Sheafer  

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