Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2001 10:10:21 -0700
From: Perry Frayn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Cellular & Libretto

Howdy all,

Thanks for all the replies.

I'm still researching on this end.

I should have mentioned that I'm located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

 From what I can tell there are only two phone out there that have the IR 
capability in this part of the world. The Nokia 8890 and the Nokia 8290. 
The 8890 is a Global GSM phone that costs around $890.00 Canadian. (out of 
my price range) The 8290 is basically the same phone as the 8890 
featurewise. Its is not global, but it does fall within my price range of 
approx $300.00 .  The dealers  here in the city all carry the 8890.....I'd 
have to buy a 8290 from the United States.

Only one of the three main services in this area will support this model of 
phone. "Fido" has a fairly good rate package but there coverage area falls 
far behind the other systems.

One of my big concerns is the fact that once I activate the 8290 on the 
Fido network,  the phone will lock itself to this network and can only be 
used on the Fido network for the rest of it's llife. For some reason the 
8890 will not lock to a specific network when activated.

The Fido dealer told me that I would have to buy the data software for the 
8890 to get the IR link to work. He did not sell the 8290 but said the same 
would apply to it. This is not true. I found the software for both phones 
on the Nokia site. (

It looks like I'll be going with the 8290 unless my research finds 
something else.  Now I  just have to find one.  :).

It appears that most of the new phones do not support the IR. I'm guess a 
cable will give a bit better speed on the connection?
Most of thes cables plug into serial port on the PC side. It would be a 
shame to have to carry a cable and the port expander for the LIbretto.

Thanks again for all the comments....I'll let you know how it works out.

regards, Perry

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