Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 22:27 +0000
Subject: Windows reinstallation assistance required!!


Have reformatted and appear to have successfully reinstalled Windows
 95 via the 22 floppies included with the device... however I need
 help with following:

1. Tosh Handbook refers to CAB file installation on section 2-14 of
 handbook - but have followed procedure using the first of the windows
 disks but does not work.

2. Need assistance with the other Toshiba disks... have installed the
 user guide and accessory disk but how do I install the other disks? I
 appear to have installed the Yamaha drivers but it is showing as
 conflicting with Soundblaster in device manager - do i just remove it
 from hardware profile?? The NeoMagic drivers apear to have gone in

Maybe someone could mail me a phone number as a short dialogue would
 probably save me hundreds of postings here!


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