Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 09:09:50 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
From: Michael J Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 30 GB Harddisk in L110.

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Dan Scott wrote:

> I know that I bought a 4.3 gig hard drive for my CT-70 and now all I
> see in WINDOWS is C: drive, no D: drive and C: only has 1 gig left on
> it (with a minimum win98 installation).

Did you install in a FAT partition?  I believe that such a partition has a
maximum size of approx 2.1GB, but that FAT32 partitions can be much

> When I boot up in DOS I can see C: has 1 gig and D: (called
> MS-RAMDRIVE) has 1.5 gig which appears not to be accessible. I looked
> at FDISK and it only has a few bytes reserved (not 1.5 gig) and
> windows (in VIRTUAL MEMORY) is taking what it needs to run.

MS-RAMDRIVE is a (virtual) drive, using space in your RAM (i.e. the 16 or
32 MB that you have installed) to simulate a hard drive (but anything
stored there will disappear when you shut down the machine.)  I'm very
puzzled about the "1.5 gig" that you report for this - I seem to recall it
being more like 1-2MB.

>  So you might want to check to make sure the 50 will recognize all of
> your new drive, not just 2 gig or whatever.  I am still looking for a
> way to fix my problem.

Reports from this list state that the L50 will recognize up to 8GB with no
extra effort on your part, more with drive overlay software.  If you're
restricting yourself to FAT partitions (with a 2.1GB limit each), you can
always make more of them.


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