Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 20:56:51 -0500
From: "Pres Waterman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] A couple of questions....

> ........I bought a nice L110CT off eBay a couple of days ago. I got an
> period on it to make sure it is alright. The young fellow I got it from
> lives in Seattle, an hour and half away so I will go pick it up in person.
> the meantime he is asking me if I want Win2K Pro installed on it (which he
> been using) or Win2K Server (? - I don't know what this is?) or Win 98.

The Libretto 1x0 CAME with Win98. I would stay within the license.

Pres Waterman
traveling... much delay in catching messages,
sorry if I reply and others have already
and I lost many many emails in a crash also!

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