Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 04:19:28 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] A couple of questions....

>Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 10:59:49 -0800
>From: Chester Prudhomme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Yes, I was quite happy to get it!! I put in a snipe bid on it with 10 
>seconds to go and just topped the next high bidder. Now what I have to do 
>is decide which way I'm going to go for USB port enhancement - get one of 
>those ugly little USB HUB port add-ons with a heavy power supply OR the 
>more elegant (and more expensive of course) PMCIA card with 4 USB ports and 
>another heavy power supply.....this option will allow me to retain the one 
>USB port in the port replicator but, of course, takes up a card slot! 
>Anybody have any ideas on this, what is anybody else using for multiple USB 
>devices, mouse, keyboard, external HD's and CD drives, etc.? The card uses 
>the new 2.0 USB standard but I don't have anything that requires this 

Heh... you've got a L110 with USB, do you still have that PC card you got a 
month back?  Now all you need is to figure out what kind of USB device you 
can use to plug into it!  I kinda wondered what people are doing with the 

I tell you, I don't know how many hours I blew the other day struggling to 
install an old copy of W95 the other day.  After many many hours of attempts 
getting a SUWIN error starting installation.... after hours and hours of 
Scandisk running from DOS (anyone know a command line switch to get around 
that?), and years and years waiting for 2 FDs worth of Partition Magic to 
run on that tortoise of FDD Toshiba gave us... I finally found out I needed 
to setup extended memory with himem.sys and emm386.exe in order to get ANY 
Windows OS installed!  I don't remember having to do that before.  But then 
my memory is failing faster and faster...

But I was wondering if the L100 or L110 Libs are faster at this sort of 
thing.  What kind of FDDs do they have... They're not USB FDDs, are they?


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