Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 10:06:00 -0000
From: "Eyetech Technical" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hello new user and please help

Hi everyone,

I've been given a Libretto 100CT machine because it is not working quite

It has both Windows 98 and 2000 installed on a 20Gb drive with 64Mb and is
clocked to 266MHz.

When I try to boot the machine, some times it works, and others, the screen
will do strange things like shift out of place, or the sound will get
corrupted. Once in Win 2000 the usual result is a random hang, with nothing
working, power button or reset, so I have to remove the AC and battery to
reboot the machine.
Sometimes I also do not even get the Toshiba BIOS logo.

Ive found that if this happens once, the only way to fix it is to remove the
hard drive and boot up. The machine reports no drive, then putting it back
in and rebooting will allow the machine to work again for perhaps a couple
of hours.

I am told that this has just started happening the last two days and the
machine has been very reliable for a couple of years overclocked.
It was dropped the other day, but surely that would just affect the hard

Does anyone have any suggestions for what I might try to solve the random
Im tempted to clock it back to the manufacturer's specs, but would prefer
trying everything else before opening it up.

Thanks for listening.


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