Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 17:22:34 -0000
From: "Eyetech Technical" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Hello new user and please help

Hi Raymond (and everyone else too!)

I removed the 32Mb RAM upgrade board and have found that the system is
functioning just fine without it.
When it goes back in, the machine will not even post, with or without a hard
So I take it that the memory is faulty?!?

I can probably buy some more from ebay, but the obvious question would be
how the heck did that happen?
I take it that the freeze test, cooling it down stops it working instead of
CPU's where the cooling is more likely to make it work?
I blasted it with some air duster, but that was after it's appearing to be



> >Does anyone have any suggestions for what I might try to solve the random
> >hangs?
> >Im tempted to clock it back to the manufacturer's specs, but would prefer
> >trying everything else before opening it up.
> Well if its been dropped ANYTHING could happen. My recommendation is to
open the thing up (no it isn't that hard ;-) and make sure you can't see any
obvious stresses or fractures in the circuit boards and that all the
connectors are solidly plugged together.
> If you're feeling brave run the laptop without the case and do the freeze
test on the RAM modules ... those seem reasonably delicate and the solder
joints under them may have fractured (a freeze test is where you run the
libby in a loop with something that tests the RAM then apply freezer spray
to half the circuit board then the other half ... one half *should* fail
when you blast it, reboot and divide THAT section by half and so-on until
you can narrow down an area).

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