Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 14:21:17 +0700
Subject: Re: [LIB] Lib 100CT / Win2000

> I'd like to try to install Windows 2000 in my Lib 100CT with 2Gb and 64Mb
> Do you recommend me to do that..??? Is it posible..???  Advantages..???!

I've had Win'98 on my 110 for almost two years, and just moved up to a
bigger HDD and Win'2K and I'm very pleased with it. I really like it. But I
never had a 100 and my old HDD was 4.3GB so my experience is not especially
relevant to you. So, I can only really offer you food for thought:-

-- get an opinion on speed from someone with Win'2K on a 100 (not a 110)
-- get a bigger HDD too
-- overclock your 100

If you can't get the first, and you rule out the other two, then my best
guess would be that you will probably find your system as it stands now will
struggle with Win'2K.

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