Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 22:05:08 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb

At 02:35 AM 1/05/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 10:21:47 +0100 (GMT/BST)
>From: Digby Tarvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
>Hmm, I make 7,978MB = 8,365,539,328 which sounds close enough to me...
>(you do know 1GB is not 1000 MB right??? )
>I measured the hibernation start as 8,373,335,040 on my 100CT, but the
>BIOS may be holding back a little more for some reason. Probably rounding
>to the nearest cylinder boundry according the the mapped geometry
>(multiple of 16065 sectors). Of course aligning to virtual cylinder
>boundries is completely pointless, but that is Microsoft for you..

Why do we keep talking about the 8GB boundary? Its the 1024 cylinder 
boundary, it just so happens that most of the drives have the same number 
of bytes per cylinder. Problem is you'll get bitten if you come across some 
other drive with a different config that you're not aware of. Much safer 
IMHO to just partition based on the cylinders (use Linux FDISK/CFDISK or 
*gasp* Partition Magic if you want). Note that cylinder 1024 isn't the 
limit of where you want to partition, its more like cylinder 1013 
(remember, the libretto can only SEE up to 1024 natively so it'll shove its 
hibernation junk just before it). Perhaps a search of this list for the 
numbers 1013 and 1014 will turn up some more info ...

>You don't have to reserve space for the hibernation partion if using
>windows FDISK. It gets the drive size from the BIOS, which automatically
>subtracts what it needs.


Definitely not if you're using an overlay, otherwise I've had weird 
problems with that on my 20 gig drive. I think its a combination of the 
fact that booted into a DOS boot disk without overlay only sees 8 gig and 
the fact that the Libby's BIOS by itself only seeing 1024 cylinders then 
trying to figure out what to do with hibernation. Play it safe, do it 

>That is the advantage of doing the FDISK on
>the Libretto rather than on a desktop. In fact it reserves 64M for
>hibernation, and an additional 12GB out of stupidity.

Heh .. there's Windows for you. I just use Windows FDISK to create a 6 gig 
partition (ie. well away from the hibernation partition, assuming 1024 
cylinders is around 8 gig) then use Partition Magic or Linux FDISK/CFDISK 
to do the exact partitioning around the hibernation area (where you can see 
and/or work in terms of cylinders).

>The point where you have to be careful is when you use a more powerful
>os which knows about the entire disk to allocate the space on the
>other side of the hibernation area.

Umm ... you've lost me. My install of Win98SE on my libby can see the 
partition that goes from the 18 gig to the 20 gig mark on my hard drive ...

>Don't know about the 1137MB limit. Did you enable support for large
>disks when starting FDISK?

1137MB limit? Where did that come from? I'm intrigued ...

Hope I've been of some help!

- Raymond


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