Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 18:14:57 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Soldering temperatures

Hi all!

OK after having a flick through the L100 workshop manual that David so 
kindly provided us with, I feel confident enough to make some ... umm ... 
'modifications' ;-)

Just a couple of questions regarding general electronics work before I 
commence lest I fry something ...

Firstly, I've been using a cheap and nasty 25W soldering iron to do my 
soldering work (hey, I'm a student, thats all I can get my hands on ;-) ... 
but now I've been given access to a nice soldering station that does 200ºC 
through 500ºC (and a bit beyond I think). What sort of temperature would be 
suitable for soldering to the delicate SMD circuits on the Libretto 
motherboard? Would it be dangerous using lead-free electronics solder for 
this (lead-free solder requires a higher temperature to melt)?

Secondly, when the motherboard is unpowered, how safe is it using your 
average digital multimeter to do continuity tests? I've heard that its not 
wise to use some multimeters to continuity test certain circuits due to the 
currents involved ...

I'll be seeing if I can add a couple of PS/2 ports (mouse and keyboard), 
similar idea to that mentioned on Xin's website but I'll be trying to 
solder onto lines 95 through 98 plus the power lines on the back of the 
docking connector (I'd rather damage THAT than damage the chipset) ... if 
that works I'll also make an attempt at bringing out the USB lines (I'll 
have to find somewhere to take a few volts from to supply the USB power 
lines though). Anyone got any suggestions?

- Raymond


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