Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 06:58:39 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: My 100CT arrived... questions

I guess there weren't a lot of ovenight UPS packages going from Ohio to 
Florida, this 100CT shipped ground got here in 2 days!

It seems to function properly, but the first thing I noticed on close 
examination is that it was dropped at some point.  Something that the ad on 
EBay didn't mention, and that I neglected to ask about.  But as everything 
else seems to be working alright... I guess it's just something to live 

A couple questions:

* Is it normal for the lid to have a lot more play moving it forward and 
backward before meeting resistance than the 50/70s?  It's wider, so maybe 
that explains things.

* Is it normal for the mouse on the 100 to be as stiff as this one is?  I 
have to really hold tightly and use a lot more energy to move the mouse than 
my 50/70.  And it's a bit harder to move the mouse to the right, as it is to 
move it to the left.  Is there anyway anyone knows of loosening it up?

* Is it necessary to install drivers to provide support for the EPR?  Cards 
aren't recognized when inserting them into the  EPR PC card slots, so I'm 
assuming I'll need to get the driver from the Toshib website.

* Is it near impossible to find a power cord to go from the battery charger 
to the 100?  The darned plug at the Lib end is proprietary, and I didn't get 
the thing along with the charger, adaptor for 100/110 batteries, and AC 

* Is it normal for the 100 screen not to be as bright as the 50/70?

I notice that the video drivers that the guy installed are from Microsoft, 
not the Toshiba.  I wouldn't think that would cause the screen to be dimmer 
than the 50/70s.  Looking around the system a bit, I'm wondering if >any< of 
the Toshiba drivers have been installed.  There's no Start menu option for 
Toshiba Utilities, and the power meter is Microsofts.  Anyway... I can sort 
through this stuff.  I'd better get all the drivers.

Ooou... Outlook Express is set up!!  Oh boy!


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