Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 11:58:04 -0400
From: =?iso-8859-1?B?t1ByZXMgV2F0ZXJtYW63?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] My 100CT arrived... questions

> Umm ... Pres, have a look at your L100/110 ... there ain't no hole in the
> chassis for it to screw into. At least there isn't in the 3 librettos (1
> L100 and 2 L110's) that I've looked at ... there's a hole in the keyboard
> itself but no matching hole in the chassis.


There is now!~

( Biiiiig drill!!! )

( Hmmm. No power up anymore??? )


Pres Waterman W2PW
c/o Patchogue Motors, Inc.
Long Island Ford and Kia dealer


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