Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 10:19:08 +0100
From: "Andy Lawn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] My 100CT arrived... questions

Pres wrote:
> > Oh... and is it normal for there to be no screw to hold down the 100
> > keyboard?  It seems the only thing holding it down is the 
> plastic access
> > strip.  I popped it off to look inside, and there's neither a screw
> holding
> > the keyboard down, or a hole in the chassis for a screw to go into.
> There's
> > a hole where it should be for the keyboard, but not one on 
> the chassis!
> No. Go find the proper screw at a hardware or hobby or 
> electronics specialty
> store.

Sorry Pres, I have to disagree with you there - my 100CT is as Matthew described as 
well.  And the 100CT parts diagram I have doesn't show any screws securing the 
keyboard either.

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