Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 23:43:36 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Help

At 01:08 AM 11/11/2002 -0800, you wrote:
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 06:42:33 +0000
From: barnacle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Help

t (regardless
> of the OS - Windows95, 98, NT, 2k, Linux, etc.).

Is this necessarily so? My recollection is that 95 from a standard
installation disk image uses the bios to address the floppy; though having
loaded a 95 from the original toshiba floppies last week I was surprised to
find that it too failed to see the floppy (which is, I submit, a bit rich!).
Well firstly, the BIOS only treats the floppy as a standard floppy if it's seen on bootup (ie. you put the FDD in after bootup and without drivers it won't work anyway). Secondly, even if you boot with the floppy in, the moment that any program tries to initialize or query the PCMCIA slots AS PCMCIA slots (remember, the BIOS puts those slots into a 'weird' mode that lets the BIOS directly access the FDD), the BIOS lets go of the FDD. I found this out the hard way when I tried to do a floppy install of Linux but using a boot disk that enabled a PCMCIA CD-ROM drive (I had both the FDD and CD plugged in using the EPR). The moment it hit the code that initialized the PCMCIA slots (to access the CD-ROM drive), I lost FDD access ... I *think* I confirmed this in the list somewhere, otherwise it was on a website somewhere the location of which I've long since forgotten ... heh

I'm not inclined to experiment further because I just used 95 as a vehicle to
get 98 and linux cd images on the HD for daughter's machine.
Wouldn't a drive converter be a lot easier/faster? Why would you need 95 first to get 98 onto there?

Either way, checking that the Lib boots from the floppy, and can see the
floppy if booted from the HD in dos mode (*not* a dos start from within
windows) is a good first test.
Definitely. Otherwise everything else we've said is irrelevant ... heh
Make sure it's "safe mode command prompt" ... I don't know if CnC services are loaded on a standard command line boot. The boot from floppy test should give a definative answer anyway.

Again, it would be good if Ian could remove the HTML.
Ditto ... heh

- Raymond


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