Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 07:10:21 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Low volume when using the line-in

Isn't he going to have problems with impedence mis-matchs between the line out of his minidisk and the mic input of the Libby Raymond? I never thought about using the mic input to try feeding a signal into the libretto. That TDK sound card that I bought on EBay for $20 when David C. pointed out the auctions was a fantastic solution for feeding a stereo, hi-fidelity signal into and out of the Libby. I'm just a bit vexed now that my 110 motheboard died, replaced the original 100 MB, and I had to go back to W98SE from W2K. I was hoping to pick up one of those nice Echo IO sound cards at some point that requires at least W2K, higher fidelity, and doesn't have the long dongle the TDK card has that just gets tangled and in the way.

But back to the volume issue... I don't know if that's going to be an easy problem to address, as audio is pretty much a function of the hardware and supporting drivers, isn't it? Outside of them, I don't know if there's anything more you'd be able to do to pump up volume short of getting a cheap external preamp from Radio Shack or somewhere. Or getting a PCMCIA sound card that will work with W98.

But you're into MP3s Justin! Shoot... I'd just transfer them all to the Libby's hard drive (you might need a bigger hard drive) and get a new copy of Winamp to play them directly. The audio through the Libby won't sound as good as the audio through the MD through earphones. But I'd think it ought to be way better option than trying to feed audio into the Lib's mic input.

At this point I have about 2.5GB worth of MP3s on my 40GB HDD, encoded with Exact Audio Copy using the LAME preset for encoding at 128kbps (my ears don't hear what the audiophiles can when they complain that anything less than '--alt-preset standard' is an affront to their ears). The audio output through that old TDK sound card is fantastic. I just need the power of the 110 MB to run the Shibatch replaygain Winamp plugin. Now that I'm back with the 100 MB, I have to go back to a replaygain plugin that stores the RG values in an external file, and not in the MP3s themselves. That gets troublesome when syncing those files between my Lib and desktop, as the paths in the RG files are different.


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From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Welcome to the list!

A couple of things.

I'm pretty sure the L100 has a mono microphone input and NOT a stereo microphone or line-in. This may mean that one channel (the left? I can never remember which way round a phono jack is) is shorted to ground. You may need to get a stereo to mono converter (which connects the two stereo channels together) to solve this problem. Try the thing below first though, you might be able to get away with this anyway (and only get one channel).

Have you tried upp'ing both the microphone volume and the main volume? Note that the microphone volume control may be hidden, you'll have to go options->properties to unhide it if this is the case.

As for loss of fur, 2 weeks isn't normal ... are you rubbing it or are you pushing it? It shouldn't move much, if at all, under your thumb.

- Raymond

At 03:05 PM 18/04/2005 -0700, you wrote:
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:41:39 +0200
From: "Justin Walemark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Low volume when using the line-in


This is my first contribution to the mailing-list. I've had my Lib now for
about a month and use it as my full-time computer here at campus. Let's just
say that I am more than impressed by how much you can do with this machine

Ok, to my question:
I ran out of mp3's to play today and came up with the clever idea to hook up
my minidisc to the libretto so that I could listen to it instead. (I don't
have a stereo in my room). I connecter the MD into the microphone plug and
everything went smooth and the music was streaming from the libretto
speaker. But I couldn't get the volume up. The music is just hearable. In an
effort to check if the speaker might be busted I played an mp3 and it played
loud and clear.So it can't be the speaker.
Have anyone experienced similar problems? Could the solution be to use some
recording software (not microsoft)?
The machine I have is a 100 with win98se.

Oh, and also this: My mousebutton have almost lost all of it's "fur" after
only about 2 weeks of usage. Is this the normal rate of mousebuttonusage??


PS. If I forgot to write something in the header/subject or did something
not right when sending this email please let me know. DS.

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