Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 17:39:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] re: [lib] test

My little L110 here just turtles on as it has for years as my email machine,
and yes, got some game emulators running on it, too!

Nothing like a mini Sega Genesis or Atari 2600 portable! =)  And it still is
great for a fast, quick game break (hate some of the latest games that take
=forever= to startup, then forever to learn or get anywhere).

But for a portable for a quick check of the web, well.... current Samsung D600
phone has replaced that pretty quick with Opera Mini running on it.  Sure is
convenient to be able to go online anywhere with a little <5oz phone!  

Second to that, looking into the Opera browser cartridge for the Nintendo DS
Lite, but still wondering due to the slow load times reviewers have reported on
this combo.


Figure if Toshiba doesn't hurry up and replace the Libretto with a nice,
powerful, tiny system with great keyboard, the Nintendo DS Lite or replacement
may just replace the Libretto someday.... (or one of those 3G phones....)


Basically, figure Toshiba is recently all over the map with the Libretto idea
-- should we make it flat and wide (L1-L5 series), should we make it shiny and
a multimedia portable (U100 series)?  

But the orignal L20-L110 series was all about getting work done in a small
package that had a decent to good keyboard and that's why it sold so well -- no
fuss, just the basics, got things done.

Figure if they want to release a new Libretto - simply make it around the same
size as the L110, drop it a nice widescreen LCD that'll go bevel-to-bevel and
maybe 1024xwhatever resolution (unlike the U100 which didn't use all of that
space to any good), keep the good parts of the U100, bring back the 180 degree
folding LCD screen, drop in a better keyboard and more sensible touchpad/mouse
pointer, make sure the battery doesn't stick out the back, drop in the latest
super-low power processors so you can kick the fan out the door, have a decent
graphics subsystem, and make it last at least 4 hours non-stop like the L110
and we'll be happy to upgrade for $1000 or so.

All that crazy pricing at $1700+ when a notebook sells for <$500 on sale
nowadays is just killing the adoption of new Librettos.

(Here, at least Panasonic W/Y series make sense at the same weight, although
not the same size -- they're tough enough to sit on w/o breaking anything at
the $2k range!)

Oh, welll..... in the meantime, the rest of the market like Sony U series, etc.
will just have to run rings around the Libretto....  Sure hope Toshiba comes
out with a sleek showstopper Libretto soon!  esp. before killer super-mini
Windows PDA phones like the Samsung i320 gets so powerful, they'll simply blow
any Libretto replacement away:


BTW. check out the latest W-Zero ES out in Japan - talk about nice for a
portable Windows PDA phone!

adorable toshiba libretto
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