Den 2010-08-27 08:25 skrev Peter Rosin:
> Den 2010-08-27 00:27 skrev Roumen Petrov:
>> Lets wine is correctly configured (Z: drive is linked to the file system 
>> root):
>> $ cd $WINEPREFIX/dosdevices
>> $ winepath -w `pwd`
>> Now lets remove link:
>> $ rm z:
>> $ winepath -w `pwd`
>> So sed should remove leading //?/unix
> This failures are probably comping from inside wine (no mention of

This failure is probably coming (fat fingers today...)

> "//?/unix" or "\\?\unix" in the winepath source), so probably won't
> be seen as failure by winepath. But, if you silently remove \\?\unix,
> then you'll end up with a path that is not complete with a drive
> letter. I think any \\?\unix prefix should be filed as a failure...

Hmmm, I dug deeper into the wine source and wine_unix_to_nt_file_name
in the dlls/ntdll:path.c file seems to sometimes prefix the path with
"\??\unix" (with two question marks), so you seem to have mistyped the
above (and not copy-pasted an actual session as I originally thought).
It also seems we can forget about the forward slash variant? But I'm
not regularly running wine, so someone who does should chime in with


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