* Charles Wilson wrote on Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 08:57:04AM CEST:
> This is just an FYI.  The take-away here is that I did go ahead and
> rename all the functions to
>   func_convert_{file|path}_X_to_Y
> and moved them to just before func_mode_compile.  I changed all comments
> and function names to use the 'file' (or file name) and 'path'
> terminology, instead of the original 'path' and 'pathlist' terminology.


> Peter is going to hate me.

Well, since I'm sort-of responsible for the extra work, I volunteer to
rebase Peter's patches if that helps him.  Peter, if you accept, please
either make your tree public or send me a git bundle that contains all
the patches.


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