On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 10:10 PM, Laine Stump <la...@laine.org> wrote:

>  On 02/02/2012 01:28 PM, Ansis Atteka wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 6:08 PM, Laine Stump <la...@laine.org> wrote:
>> On 02/02/2012 09:30 AM, Ansis Atteka wrote:
>>> Libvirt has a function virNetDevBridgeRemovePort() which can
>>> remove port from the Linux Bridge, but it seems that no one calls it.
>>> Wanted to confirm if port removal happens automatically for Linux
>>> Bridges if VM goes down?
>>  * when it's time to detach the device or destroy the guest, libvirt just
>> sends a monitor command to qemu, which ends up closing the tap device.
>> Because the tap device was non-persistent, that automatically leads to 1)
>> removal of the tap device from the bridge, and 2) deletion of the tap
>> device itself.
>   Yeah, the problem is that OVS does not do 1) when tap device gets
> destroyed.
> Interesting. So what happens if there is traffic for a port on the switch
> that has a now-nonexistent tap device? Does it ignore it? Explode?
To be more precise OVS has two parts:

   1. user-space (database that contains bridge configuration); and
   2. kernel-space (the actual state of the bridge)

When I say that the port remains attached to the bridge after tap device is
closed, I mean that this port config is still in user-space DB. If tap
device with exactly the same name would reappear later, then the same
config would be reapplied and kernel-space would end up doing exactly the
the same thing.

>> If a non-persistent tap device that is attached to an OVS is closed, does
>> OVS not notice this and automatically detach it? You may want to experiment
>> with that; possibly nothing is needed.
>> (it would be much better if not, because otherwise there will need to be
>> special care taken to prevent dangling tap devices (or dangling references
>> to deleted tap devices))
>>  The difference between OVS and
>>> Linux Bridge is that OVS will need a hook that removes all ports on
>>> VM shutdown event (and maybe also for some other events?).
>>  Not just when a guest is shutdown, but also if a network device is
>> detached from a running domain.
>> If it's necessary to explicitly detach the tap from the OVS, whatever
>> hook is added in to do that can hopefully just as well be identical for a
>> Linux bridge (i.e., the only OVS-specific code should be in the lowest
>> level function that does that bridge detach).
>> Another point - since a shutdown initiated by the guest would likely end
>> up destroying the tap device, we can't just add in a hook to detach it from
>> the bridge - too early and the guest won't be done with it yet, too late
>> and it will already not exist. I'm thinking that instead we may need to
>> create the tap as persistent, then explicitly detach it from the bridge and
>> delete it after the domain is finished with it.
>  It wouldn't be too late. It's ok If actual tap device is not alive
> anymore.
> Well, as long as there are no negative consequences to the port being
> assigned past the time when the tap device is deleted.
> As I mentioned before, you should modify virNetDevBridgeRemovePort to do
> this removal (and do it appropriately depending on the type of bridge), but
> change it so that it should return success if it would fail simply because
> the tap device already is not on the bridge. (This way we can leave the tap
> device as non-persistent, and it will be an effective NOP for tap devices
> on linux bridges.
> Also, for consistency we should be just always calling the function to
> detach from the bridge if virDomainNetGetActualType(net) ==
> VIR_DOMAIN_NET_TYPE_BRIDGE, regardless of whether it's a linux bridge or
> ovs.
> As far as where to put the calls to this - look for where there are calls
> to networkReleaseActualDevice(), and do it up above that (for example, you
> can see in qemuDomainDetachNetDevice() how there is an "if
> virDomainNetGetActualType(detach) == VIR_DOMAIN_NET_TYPE_DIRECT)" - you can
> change that to a switch(actualtype), and add a case for
> VIR_DOMAIN_NET_TYPE_BRIDGE that calls virNetDevBridgeRemovePort().
Ok. Thanks for the hints!

>   If that is needed, I think it should be done in a separate patch that
>> is a prerequisite to the OVS patch. That way the two things can be tested
>> independent of each other.
>> As soon as I get out the patch I'm working on now, I'll take a quick look
>> at this and see if I can point your more in the right direction for this
>> prerequisite patch. In the meantime, it would be useful if you could do the
>> experiment I mentioned above (i.e. do nothing and see if it explodes), and
>> modify virNetDevBridgeRemovePort for your patch to do the right thing in
>> the case of the bridge device being an OVS.
> If by experiment you meant "Whether OVS automatically detaches tap device
> from OVS bridge when tap device gets closed?" then I can confirm that in
> contrast to Linux Bridge it does not do that. I will look into
> possibilities to remove ports on "detach-interface" and "VM shutdown"
> events.
> "detach-interface" = qemuDomainDetachNetDevice() - see above.
> "VM shutdown" = qemuProcessStop() - almost exactly the same situation as
> detach (turn the if() into a switch() and add a case for bridged devices).
> Don't forget LXC support! :-) It can use bridge network devices too.
> There are a few other places where it may be appropriate to do the bridge
> removal during error paths; this same search may show you some of them, and
> some others may show up when you search for where
> virNetDevTapCreateInBridgePort.
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