I tried to install openssl yesterday on my XP box.  it failed misrably.

I have gotten it to work before on a different maching, but I don't remember
it being such  a trial.


Frustrated with Perl and SSL implementation

" Wenjie Wang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi Lance,
> It all sounds familiar :-)  Actually, I've sort of experiencing the same
> problem before.  After finds out SSL support is needed and have it
> installed, It'll be an easy task.  But it's a bit tricky if you're behind
> fire wall. It'll be even trickier if you're on a dialup connection behind
> fire wall.  As a matter of fact, I'm still struggling with it.
> The following code snip works fine to fetch page from SSL site when Using
> LWP v5.64 under Perl v5.006001 MSWin32.  btw, I've also have OpenSSL
> installed on c:\openssl.
> ---------------------------------8<------------------------------
> # PROXY SUPPORT for SSLeay module
> # It'll be unhappy if using
> # $myUserAgent->proxy (http => $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY}) at the same time;
> $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = 'http://your.proxy:port';
> $ENV{HTTP_PROXY} = 'http://your.proxy:port';
> # No need to keep_alive if you're not going to keep the session alive
> $myUserAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive => 2);
> #optional
> $myUserAgent->agent($myUserAgent_name);
> # optional, but you are most likely need a cookie jar
> $myUserAgent->cookie_jar({});  # turn on in-memory cookies.
> my $req = new HTTP::Request 'POST','https://www.yourSSLServer.com/';
> # It depends on the contents your server are expecting
> $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
> $req->content('LoginName=xxx&Password=xxx');
> # submit your request
> my $myResponse = $myUserAgent->request($req);
> die "complain it before leaving...\n" if ($myResponse->is_error);
> ---------------------------------8<------------------------------
> The above code works fine, except when I use it from my home pc which is
> connected to my office via dialup.  It always complains "unknown host" for
> some servers which happen running IIS.  I'm still struggling with the
> problem and still haven't got a clue what's the problem.
> Regards.
> WWang
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Lance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Tuesday, 11 February 2003 9:21 PM
> >Subject: Re: how to fetch https pages
> >
> >
> >
> >"Lance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> What modules have to be installed for LWP::UserAgent to read SSL
> >pages?  I
> >> have been trying to install Crypt-SSLeay, but I keep getting the
> >> 'Error: no suitable installation target found for package
> >>
> >> I am using ActiveState 5.6.1-build 633 on win XP
> >>
> >> I have been trying to use ppm3 to do the install, is there a way
> >to get it
> >> to list dependances of modules you are trying to install?  The docs say
> >that
> >> it will automatically install dependant modules, but it does not seem
> >be
> >> working for me!
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >OK, I finally found out why Crypt-SSLeay won't install.  It is a
> >Solaris-only module!  I used 'describe Crypt-SSLeay' in ppm3 to find this
> >out.  So the next question is:  How can I use my perl script to read
> >pages?  I keep getting a 501 http error code - protocol not available.
> >
> >The LWP docs say to use Crypt-SSLeay, btw.  But no alternatives.
> >
> >
> >

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