Lance wrote:
"Lance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

OK, I finally found out why Crypt-SSLeay won't install.  It is a
Solaris-only module!  I used 'describe Crypt-SSLeay' in ppm3 to find this
out.  So the next question is:  How can I use my perl script to read https
pages?  I keep getting a 501 http error code - protocol not available.

The LWP docs say to use Crypt-SSLeay, btw.  But no alternatives.

Check with ActiveState to see what Crypt::SSLeay builds they packages
for ppm for which ActivePerls... sometimes its just a matter of using
the right ActivePerl build #.  I don't know why their support of
Crypt::SSLeay has been splotchy, you would think it would be part
of their automated build processes by now.

If you want to have a go at installing / compiling OpenSSL yourself
& Crypt::SSLeay, read the OpenSSL win32 installation instructions
in particular.  You will need a compiler, preferrably MS VC++ 6,
but it compiles & installs fine. ( I just did it in the past couple weeks ).

If you are on a unix platform & not win32, then installation of
openssl & Crypt::SSLeay it typically as easy as compiling & installing
any other software.


Josh Chamas, Founder                   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.      
NodeWorks Link Checking      

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